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    Desculpe pelo meu erro, existem 2 conjuntos desses canais, carreguei o conjunto errado. Por favor cheque novamente. Eles estão corrigidos agora. Nas versões em espanhol e também em português. :)
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    Updated LG Channels 11/07/24 added Canal Anime Onegai 1 Portuguese (BR) Canal Anime Onegai 2 Portuguese (BR) Canal Anime Onegai 3 Portuguese (BR) Canal Anime Onegai Sport Portuguese (BR) Canal Anime Onegai 5 Portuguese sorry i don't have the correct names on...
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    Eu tenho esses URLs desde segunda-feira à noite. Eu os enviei para outro membro aqui. Existem 5 canais, mas não tenho a nomenclatura correta. Vou publicá-los, em algumas horas
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    Clube Samsung TV Plus

    Most of the remaining logged channels and need the play path worked out. Here is an example of how difficult it is, due the logging method https urls only get half like this for (Escrava Isaura) it will download an interesting file that is formatted like...
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    Clube Samsung TV Plus

    Samsung tv Plus Brazil playlist Update 11/07/24 added 2695 Cindie Lite Portuguese (BR) 2334 World Poker Tour Portuguese (BR) stream link
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    Clube Samsung TV Plus

    With a help of someone in Discord we located Cindie Lite and WPT Portuguese from Samsung Wait a few minutes i'm going to update !
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    Clube Samsung TV Plus

    Hello guys, Who can confirm is Cindie Lite in Spanish or Portuguese language?
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    Clube Samsung TV Plus

    I will add soon,
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    Clube Samsung TV Plus

    Que texto? o link é mostrado
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    Clube Samsung TV Plus

    Samsung tv Plus Brazil playlist Update 8/07/24 Thank you, those people who supplied TV log files Túlio ht forums Sesudo ht forums JP Paixao stream link added channels Pocoyo (BR) 3 Palavrinhas (BR) (BR) Canal L!ke (BR) Novelisima em Português...
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    Clube Samsung TV Plus
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    Clube Samsung TV Plus

    2000 Novela: A Escrava Isaura JV 06/04/2024 2001 Novela: Os Dez Mandamentos its ok I dont include them, I dont get them from the log file anyway
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    Clube Samsung TV Plus

    Is this listing correct and in order? Im trying to match it to the log file. That helps to identify things.
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    Clube Samsung TV Plus

    Hi guys, i just get to my pc and will start to check the logs now. As soon as get a result I will post I need to filter the list first there is so much background traffic logged from netflix. Olá pessoal, acabei de chegar ao meu pc e vou começar a verificar os logs agora. Assim que tiver...
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    Clube Samsung TV Plus

    Quando as pessoas podem fornecer o log de transmissão do Samsung TV Plus. Então, espero poder extraí-lo para compartilhar.
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    Clube Samsung TV Plus

    Posso obter o link se as pessoas fornecerem o arquivo de log da Samsung TV, como escrevi. É muito fácil. Execute o hotspot wifi e conecte a TV a ele os URLs serão registrados basta escolher através de cada canal. Então me envie o arquivo txt do log. Eu farei o resto. I can get the link if...
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    Clube Samsung TV Plus

    hello all, my first post, getting many of these channels relys on me having a log file from the tv set. Which can be created using a wifi hotspot app on a windows pc then connecting the tv to it. such as I need people who can provide me log...