Clube Samsung TV Plus

Membro conhecido
Is this listing correct and in order?
Por favor, Entrar ou Registre-se para visualizar o conteúdo dos URLs!

Im trying to match it to the log file. That helps to identify things.
Dear, sorry for not having replied you until now, in fact I am a constant contributor to Line-Up site (when you find any "Arthur Badin" or "ABadin" there, it's me) but I have the need to make you aware that the 200x channels (I mean, the 2000, 2001 ones) are actually featured channels, which means they constantly change their positions, sometimes twice in a same week - I'd suggest you to ignore these 200x channels actually and make your iptv list based on the actual fixed numbering for each channel, given the original numberings of the featured channels don't get vanished from application, only get instead a static screen informing the channel got featured on app. Hope I have been useful to you!!!
Membro ativo
Dear, sorry for not having replied you until now, in fact I am a constant contributor to Line-Up site (when you find any "Arthur Badin" or "ABadin" there, it's me) but I have the need to make you aware that the 200x channels (I mean, the 2000, 2001 ones) are actually featured channels, which means they constantly change their positions, sometimes twice in a same week - I'd suggest you to ignore these 200x channels actually and make your iptv list based on the actual fixed numbering for each channel, given the original numberings of the featured channels don't get vanished from application, only get instead a static screen informing the channel got featured on app. Hope I have been useful to you!!!
Por favor, Entrar ou Registre-se para visualizar o conteúdo dos URLs!

Por favor, Entrar ou Registre-se para visualizar o conteúdo dos URLs!

Por favor, Entrar ou Registre-se para visualizar o conteúdo dos URLs!

its ok I dont include them, I dont get them from the log file anyway
Membro conhecido
@Apsattv here they are:

2085: Novela Os Dez Mandamentos
2086: Novela A Escrava Isaura

Sorry for the delay in replying you!!!
Membro ativo
Dear, sorry for not having replied you until now, in fact I am a constant contributor to Line-Up site (when you find any "Arthur Badin" or "ABadin" there, it's me) but I have the need to make you aware that the 200x channels (I mean, the 2000, 2001 ones) are actually featured channels, which means they constantly change their positions, sometimes twice in a same week - I'd suggest you to ignore these 200x channels actually and make your iptv list based on the actual fixed numbering for each channel, given the original numberings of the featured channels don't get vanished from application, only get instead a static screen informing the channel got featured on app. Hope I have been useful to you!!!
Não entendi nada kk vou ter que ver no Google tradutor
Membro conhecido
Pois, não sei se é Orsay. Achei que fosse Tizen. Como descubro?
Se não é Tizen, é Orsay.

Se não tiver o Disney+ na loja de apps da sua smart TV (entre vários outros aplicativos que também faltam lá), é Orsay.

E se não tiver Samsung TV Plus, é Orsay.
Membro conhecido
Tem Disney+ mas não tem Samsung TV Plus.
Outro que não tem é o Claro+. E agora, qual seria o sistema dela? Mas tenho quase certeza de ter aparecido Tizen na descrição dela em algum momento. Só não estou conseguindo lembrar quando.
Membro ativo
Samsung tv Plus Brazil playlist Update 8/07/24

Thank you, those people who supplied TV log files

Túlio ht forums
Sesudo ht forums
JP Paixao

stream link
Por favor, Entrar ou Registre-se para visualizar o conteúdo dos URLs!

added channels

Pocoyo (BR)
3 Palavrinhas (BR) (BR)
Canal L!ke (BR)
Novelisima em Português (BR)
Runtime Ação (BR)
Toon Goggles (BR)
Sato+ (BR)
Fifa Plus (BR)
SFT Combat (BR)
Filmilier (BR)
ALways Funny Videos (BR)
Stingray Classica (BR)
Stingray Qello Concerts (BR)
Zen Life by Stingray (BR)

Substitute channels added for some other

updated correct urls for these channels

O Encantador de Cães (BR)
Record News (BR)
Bloomberg TV (BR)
Hard Knocks Fight Championship (BR)
Ubisoft TV (BR)
Demand Africa (BR)

Pending for next update

new url for duck tv

missing to add

#EXTINF:-1,2050 Breaking News by LeadStory (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2067 Cultura Fast (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2080 TV Aparecida (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2083 Br In TV (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2085 Novela Os Dez Mandamentos
#EXTINF:-1,2086 Novela A Escrava Isaura
#EXTINF:-1,2086 Destaques Samsung TV Plus
#EXTINF:-1,2087 Malhação Fast
#EXTINF:-1,2115 DiaTV (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2117 Manual do Mundo (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2124 Whe Play (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2163 Receitas Fast (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2169 Sabor and Arte 2 (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2171 Ideias Incríveis (BR) 5min ideas
#EXTINF:-1,2235 D.P.A Fast (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2283 Caze TV (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2285 GE Fast (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2290 Woohoo Surf (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2535 A Lista Negra - The Blacklist (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2677 Booh (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2695 Cindie Lite (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2707 Cine Familia (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2732 Netmovies (BR)
Membro conhecido
Samsung tv Plus Brazil playlist Update 8/07/24

Thank you, those people who supplied TV log files

Túlio ht forums
Sesudo ht forums
JP Paixao

stream link
Por favor, Entrar ou Registre-se para visualizar o conteúdo dos URLs!

added channels

Pocoyo (BR)
3 Palavrinhas (BR) (BR)
Canal L!ke (BR)
Novelisima em Português (BR)
Runtime Ação (BR)
Toon Goggles (BR)
Sato+ (BR)
Fifa Plus (BR)
SFT Combat (BR)
Filmilier (BR)
ALways Funny Videos (BR)
Stingray Classica (BR)
Stingray Qello Concerts (BR)
Zen Life by Stingray (BR)

Substitute channels added for some other

updated correct urls for these channels

O Encantador de Cães (BR)
Record News (BR)
Bloomberg TV (BR)
Hard Knocks Fight Championship (BR)
Ubisoft TV (BR)
Demand Africa (BR)

Pending for next update

new url for duck tv

missing to add

#EXTINF:-1,2050 Breaking News by LeadStory (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2067 Cultura Fast (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2080 TV Aparecida (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2083 Br In TV (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2085 Novela Os Dez Mandamentos
#EXTINF:-1,2086 Novela A Escrava Isaura
#EXTINF:-1,2086 Destaques Samsung TV Plus
#EXTINF:-1,2087 Malhação Fast
#EXTINF:-1,2115 DiaTV (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2117 Manual do Mundo (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2124 Whe Play (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2163 Receitas Fast (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2169 Sabor and Arte 2 (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2171 Ideias Incríveis (BR) 5min ideas
#EXTINF:-1,2235 D.P.A Fast (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2283 Caze TV (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2285 GE Fast (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2290 Woohoo Surf (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2535 A Lista Negra - The Blacklist (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2677 Booh (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2695 Cindie Lite (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2707 Cine Familia (BR)
#EXTINF:-1,2732 Netmovies (BR)
Será que da para enviar o text para eu adcionar na minha lista?
Membro ativo
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