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Recent content by evelinchamplin034

  1. E

    Montando Home Theater

    Estou montando um home theater em casa e tenho várias perguntas, agradeço se alguém pode me ajudar. Basicamente estou montando em dois ambientes, mas eles estão integrados (sala e varanda que eu removi a porta e integrei).
  2. E

    Home theater 7.1 ou 7.2 muita qualidade

    If you're looking for the latest in home theater technology, you'll want a 7.1 or even 7.2 surround sound system. What's the difference? The 7.2 surround sound system has two subwoofers - which will really make the bass come to life in your room - and the 7.1 has a subwoofer. It is likely that...